Thursday, December 14, 2006

A 360 And Memory Problems - La Dolce Vita

I've finally got my XBox360 development kit. They were in very short supply for some reason, though not as rare as PS3s are. Some of you are thinking that I play video games all day, but that is not (yet) the case. As a matter of fact, I was looking forward to my new console because now I can actually run and test the code I have been writing. Of course, once I got things up to speed in the compile-run-debug cycle, it didn't take long before I was getting frustrated over some memory bug. That's when I knew I was actually performing valuable work.

(BTW, I believe the memory bugs have been squashed).
(BTW, we shouldn't say "bug", as that anthropomorphizes our mistakes, and allows us to treat them as if they are external phenomena that we are not responsible for.)
(So, I fixed my mistakes, and things worked better.)

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