Thursday, December 14, 2006

You Have a Call from Zurich on Line One

This morning the company in Zürich called me for my second phone screen. Now, while my ability to predict the success of such interactions is highly suspect, I think it went pretty well. I call my predictive ability into question because I only had a second phone screen because I earned it in the first one.

Immediately after the first one, however, I felt I had bombed it. In fact, the more I thought about it, the worse I was sure I'd done. So, this time, I probably did bomb it, but at least I feel better about it.

I believe the next step, if I understood them correctly, would be a free trip to Zürich for a face to face interview. If that were to work out, I'd probably have to try and make that trip line up next to a weekend. I'd also need to buy a coat. Tchuss.

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